Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hi.... Im Back..!!!!!

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah..

Again, Im back..!!!  *grin*

First time post new entry after almost 3 years. Haha. Jari rasa kekok je nak menaip and idea macam malu-malu kucing nak appear kan. 
BTW, dapat kekuatan and dorongan untuk buat come back lepas ziarah blog cantek my besties. Jeles sangat tengok blog kalian. So terfikir nak jenguk blog sendiri.  
Nakamas...!!! Im here bcoz of you. Haha. Please terharu ye. 

Nothing much to say. Just a muqaddimah of my come back. And idea pun tak ada. InsyaAllah berazam untuk hidupkan semula blog  ni. Istiqamah ke ni.Huhu.. InsyaAllah. Harap dapat manfaatkan apa yang ada ni untuk kebaikan. 

Sebelum undur diri, nah. Sedikit madah untuk dihayati. Copy dari blog orang lain je. At least ada jugak pengisian kan. ^_^
Alhamdulillah. Segala puji hanya bagi Allah. 


Count your blessing..
Do not cry if you don't have a pair of shoes,
for they are others who may not have a foot...

Count your blessing...
Do not whine if you do not have a car to drive
for they are others who may not have a leg to walk..

Count your blessing...
Do not complain if you have been diagnosed by chronic illness,
for they are others who just died without a chance to say goodbye..

Oke all, may ALLAH bless. Aamiin.